Box trucks provide a reliable way to move goods from one place to another. Many businesses rely heavily on box trucks for the transportation of goods. Whether your business focus is distribution, retail, special events, or moving, we are able to tailor box truck insurance coverage that is specific to your intended use. A variety of factors will contribute to your insurance rate including intended use, driving record, coverage needed as well as coverage limits. State minimum limits vary depending on box truck type, make, and model as well as intended use. In many instances certificates of insurance are required and the limits required or specific coverage requested for the people you do business with may be higher than State minimum limits or require coverage beyond what the state is looking for (such as specific cargo limits). We will wok with you to tailor coverage and provide certificates to keep you on the road. Exploring available coverage and limits is important for the success and longevity of your business.
Box truck insurance is a form of commercial auto insurance. This coverage provides insurance when a vehicle is used for business purposes. As an independent agency Gould presents a clear advantage over the competition in that we are able to shop rates and coverage’s between various providers and tailor a policy that is specific to your needs.
To speak with an agent at Gould today in regard to your box truck insurance needs, feel free to give us a call for a no obligation quote at (386) 734 3970.