When it comes to Finding a competitive insurance rate for your house, car, life and business in Lake County is not always easy. With all of the different companies out there it can often times be difficult choosing which carrier is right for you. We present a clear advantage over the competition being that we are an independent insurance agency. This also comes in the fact that we have been selling insurance for over 100 years presents a tremendous advantage as well.
The advantage of an independent insurance agency comes in the fact that we are able to shop rates between many different insurance companies. We do not work for one insurance company, instead we work for you. At V.W. Gould Agency we will custom tailor an insurance policy to your specific needs.
With over 100 years of service to Lake County and surrounding areas, V.W. Gould Agency is ready and waiting to assist you with your personal and business insurance needs. Whether it be homeowners, auto, life, term life, business, or even law firm insurance Gould is ready to assist you.