Many people think that it isn’t important where they buy their insurance. This misconception could be costing them money, protection and good service. Insurance is a very important aspect of financial planning and isn’t like buying milk and bread. Insurance is an important safety net for your family, home, vehicles, business, and life.
There is a difference on where you purchase your insurance. It is important to know the different outlets for purchasing insurance.
- Captive Agents – These insurance agents sell for one company only.
- Telephone Marketers – These insurance agents can offer you insurance for only one company on the telephone.
- Internet Quotes – This is where you can fill out an application for insurance online with no guidance or direction from a qualified professional
- Independent Insurance Agent – These insurance agents represent multiple insurance companies and research between companies to find you the best combination of price, service, and coverage.
Independent Insurance Agents are ready to serve you first. The advantages of an independent agent include:
- Licensed professional with strong community and customer ties.
- Offers you more choices when it comes to insurance plans and programs.
- Is a value hunter who looks after your best interest when it comes to price, coverage, and service.
- Treats you as an individual instead of another number.
- Can review your coverage when needed to keep up with your ever changing insurance needs.
- Clear focus on customer satisfaction.