You will be surprised by what you can achieve from an insurance review. For a free insurance review feel free to call us today at (386) 734 3970
- Term Life Insurance rates are at an all time low. Even if you have already have life insurance, having your policy reviewed might save you money.
- Your term might be reaching the end of its period.
- If you bought a term policy within the last 8 years and are in the same health you might be able to save money and extend your protection for the same price.
- If your health has changed, you might benefit by converting to a permanent life insurance plan
- If you quite smoking or using tobacco products, you might be paying double what you should.
- If you bought a non-competitive product there’s a chance you could be paying twice as much.
- Disability insurance, Long Term Care, and Annuity need to be addressed.
- Cash value policies are not keeping up with projected values
Other important things to look for in your insurance review:
- Dependent? New Child?
- Recently Married? Divorced?
- Purchase a new home? Do you have more debt?
- Receive an inheritance?
- Need to plan for retirement?
- Death of a spouse or child?
- Burial expense needs?
- Income replacement needs?
- Need to fund educational needs of children?
- Need to support someone with special needs or an elderly family member?
Insurance reviews are a great way to take good care of your insurance needs and to be sure you have cost effective coverage.